Monday, September 12, 2011


Once long ago, I purchased this sketchy looking jar of globby faux meat called seitan. It was revolting. I wish I could recall exactly how it was prepared (i'm guessing a stir fry or similar). I never looked back on my decision to ban the stuff from my diet.

A few weeks ago I acquired a cookbook from my cousin brimming with seitan dishes. My curiosity was renewed. Then a recipe idea attached itself in my head and I was compelled to create it. Nothing fancy or innovative, just seitan stew. I scavenged for an alternative package of seitan (thinking perhaps I had a bad batch) but everywhere stocked the same bloody jar I had used before. I threw caution to the wind and bought it. Suffice to say, it was marvelous. Nicely paired with these vegan cheese scones/biscuits I've made a few times!

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